blob: 16f5b120dc78a13d4552373358f262baba242ac0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (C) 2013 The Android Open Source Project
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package com.googlesource.gerrit.plugins.its.bugzilla;
import com.googlesource.gerrit.plugins.its.base.its.InvalidTransitionException;
import com.j2bugzilla.base.Bug;
import com.j2bugzilla.base.BugzillaConnector;
import com.j2bugzilla.base.BugzillaException;
import com.j2bugzilla.base.ConnectionException;
import com.j2bugzilla.rpc.BugzillaVersion;
import com.j2bugzilla.rpc.CommentBug;
import com.j2bugzilla.rpc.GetBug;
import com.j2bugzilla.rpc.GetLegalValues;
import com.j2bugzilla.rpc.GetLegalValues.Fields;
import com.j2bugzilla.rpc.LogIn;
import com.j2bugzilla.rpc.LogOut;
import com.j2bugzilla.rpc.UpdateBug;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Set;
public class BugzillaClient {
private final BugzillaConnector connector;
private final String xmlRpcUrl;
private static HashMap<Fields, Set<String>> legalFieldValues = new HashMap<Fields, Set<String>>();
public BugzillaClient(final String baseUrl) throws ConnectionException {
this(baseUrl, "/xmlrpc.cgi");
public BugzillaClient(final String baseUrl, final String rpcPath) throws ConnectionException {
xmlRpcUrl = baseUrl + rpcPath;
connector = new BugzillaConnector();
public String login(final String username, final String password) throws BugzillaException {
LogIn logIn = new LogIn(username, password);
return "username=" + username + ", userid=" + logIn.getUserID();
public void logout() throws BugzillaException {
connector.executeMethod(new LogOut());
public Bug getBug(int bugId) throws BugzillaException {
GetBug getBugId = new GetBug(bugId);
return getBugId.getBug();
public Bug getBug(String bugId) throws BugzillaException {
return getBug(Integer.parseInt(bugId));
public void addComment(String bugId, String comment) throws BugzillaException {
CommentBug bugComment = new CommentBug(getBug(bugId), comment);
private void performSimpleActionChainable(
final Bug bug, final String actionName, final String actionValue)
throws BugzillaException, InvalidTransitionException {
if ("status".equals(actionName)) {
assertLegalValue(Fields.STATUS, actionValue);
} else if ("resolution".equals(actionName)) {
assertLegalValue(Fields.RESOLUTION, actionValue);
} else {
throw new InvalidTransitionException("Simple action " + actionName + " is not known");
private void performChainedAction(
final Bug bug, final String actionName, final String actionValue)
throws BugzillaException, InvalidTransitionException {
String[] actionNames = actionName.split("/");
String[] actionValues = actionValue.split("/");
if (actionNames.length != actionValues.length) {
throw new InvalidTransitionException(
"Number of chained actions does not" + " match number of action values");
int i;
for (i = 0; i < actionNames.length; i++) {
performSimpleActionChainable(bug, actionNames[i], actionValues[i]);
public void performAction(
final String bugId, final String actionNameParam, final String actionValueParam)
throws BugzillaException, InvalidTransitionException {
Bug bug = getBug(bugId);
String actionName = actionNameParam;
if (actionName.startsWith("set-")) {
actionName = actionName.substring(4);
actionName = actionName.replaceAll("-and-", "/");
String actionValue = actionValueParam;
actionValue = actionValue.replaceAll(" ", "/");
if ("status".equals(actionName) || "resolution".equals(actionName)) {
performSimpleActionChainable(bug, actionName, actionValue);
} else if ("status/resolution".equals(actionName)) {
performChainedAction(bug, actionName, actionValue);
} else {
throw new InvalidTransitionException("Action " + actionNameParam + " is not known");
connector.executeMethod(new UpdateBug(bug));
private void assertLegalValue(Fields field, String actionValue)
throws BugzillaException, InvalidTransitionException {
if (!getLegalValues(field).contains(actionValue)) {
throw new InvalidTransitionException(
"The value '"
+ actionValue
+ "' is not an allowed value for bugzilla's "
+ field.getInternalName()
+ " field");
public String getServerVersion() throws BugzillaException {
BugzillaVersion versionCheck = new BugzillaVersion();
return versionCheck.getVersion();
public String getXmlRpcUrl() {
return xmlRpcUrl;
private Set<String> getLegalValues(Fields field) throws BugzillaException {
if (legalFieldValues.get(field) == null) {
GetLegalValues getValues = new GetLegalValues(field);
legalFieldValues.put(field, getValues.getLegalValues());
return legalFieldValues.get(field);